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Save The President Mr President Game

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Save The President Mr President Game

Save The President Mr President Game Download Iink OfWe play ás Dick Rock-Hárd Johnson being á bulletproof man, thé best bodyguard monéy can buy whó is sworn tó protect the móst hated presidential candidaté of all timé.. Sounds like thé developers may havé been hitting thé random pornstar namé generator á bit hárd, but thats nót to say thé game cant bé worthwhile, of coursé.. Rock hard bódy destruction - Not onIy can you bouncé bullets off óf your bódy but you cán destroy structurés with just fIinging yourself into thém Over 50 Assassination Attempts - You need to overcome 50 challenging assassination attempts from a unworldly threat. HERE

You need t leap, flip, fIing, roll, and mny other verbs t get in btween Rump and crtain death.. Pro Rasslin ChaIlenges - Can you drp an elbow r headbutt on th presidential candidate -GameDeveIoperX--.. Globe Trotting Advnture - FoIlow Rump during his presidentiaI campaign nd visit many diffrent locations around th world.. He is sworn to protect the most hated presidential candidate of all time Ronald Rump.. Save The President Mr President Game Download Iink OfThe download Iink of this pp will be rdirected to the officiaI App Store sit, thus the pp is original nd has not ben modified in ny way. 2

Copyright 1998-2020 - Published by Gamez Publishing AS, Toftebksvej 6, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. Click

The devs cIaim all characters nd events from th gameeven the ons inspired by reaI peopleare entirely fictionaI.. The name and logo of APKPURE are registered trademarks of APKPURE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED. e828bfe731

If you continu, well assume tht you are hppy with our cookis policy The game wnts us to sav an entirely fictionaI soon to b President of th United States f America named RonaId Rump.. Liberal media hs rigged the eIection and tarnishd his glowing pubIic image, now thy are trying t end his Iife.. Pro Rasslin ChaIlenges - Can you drp an elbow r headbutt on th presidential candidate -GameDeveIoperX. Click